Become an instrumental part of PFC’s artistic success! “Adopt” an Instrument as we celebrate PFC’s 25th anniversary! We need your support to help fund the instrumental ensembles in our upcoming winter and spring concerts. Your gift enables both PFC singers and our audiences to experience the joy and energy of a live performance with orchestra.


rehearsals begin
September 9th from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

open rehearsals
September 9th & 16th – 7:00 pm

vocal placement sessions 
September 16th & 23rd – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Faith Community Church
29 Carver Road, Plymouth, MA

Join PFC in celebrating our 25th year by singing with us! Our “Basically British” concert is a great mix of familiar and new pieces. With the added drama of brass, timpani, cello, and flute, this will be a magnificent concert ushering in the holiday season.

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